You can learn there are many speculations about what is free will and if individual has a free will at all. But to ask a question if free will exists at all is the same as to ask if the world exists at all.
The world, the universe itself is a free will. Knowing, understanding, experiencing this gives freedom to the human being. Discovering in oneself the will which is free frees the person. Some consider free will to be limited by a set of believes or to be a matter of philosophy. It can be so, but it is also a mystique practice, the path to the core of the nature of both existence and non-existence.
We wake up every morning and decide ourselves should we be limited to our own world-views, patterns of behavior, joys and sufferings, or should we strive and be limitless. Should we decide to be ourselves and stick to our individual ego — we keep our will limited and never free, always defined and predefined. Should we decide to be all — we choose to be free.