Excellent article, Alvin!
Emptiness (shunya, or shunyata in sanskrit शून्य) is a blessed state described by all major acient practitionnaires of then-known mindfulness. As you perfectly outline, peace comes in the form of emptiness.
One thing important to remember is that shunya doesn`t exist on it`s own. The emptiness of mind is still mind, the state of emptiness is still state. Though blissed and blissfull, it is not separated from the one who is meditating. Until after the one who practices and what is being practiced becomes one. Then the emptiness is transformed into the enlightment in different formи. As well as fullness can lead to the same state.
The difference between emptiness and fullness is only visible on the gross level, but for the subеle form it is the same and leads to the same experiences and enlightment if practiced properly.