Addictions, no matter of their type, are the replicas of our state of mind. And as you open this writing — “couldn’t escape the thought”. Our mind, associates ourselves with the patterns of behaviors. We experienced something once and tend to come back to the same experience again and again. It is not about stopping doing something. What mind needs — is a favorable substitution or, better, taking the it to the next level. So, OPTION 1 — substitution:
- pause just for a second and listen to what your body says when to map an addiction. Is this a body call or a mind call
- Go for a glass of warm water/tea/coffee. Don`t jump into the addiction right away, give it a time to grow in you.
- Make a call to a friend and tell about the latest series you watched.
Observe how you relate to your previous thoughts now. Do you still need to jo?
OPTION 2 — getting it to the next level: addiction is an imprint of energy itself, energy that strives to be realized. Any thought, the stronger the more powerful it is, wants to be manifestated. Manifestated in the form of words or actions. As any type of energy, it can be either manifestated or transformed. If kept inside, this thought can be observed. The thought, the state it provokes, and the energy created by this thought — all the chain can be observed just inside the mind. If observed trustfully, the thought can be transformed itself into something different of same or bigger power, decision on which a person can take — to manifest or not.